
74 lines
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#ifndef DLX_DLX_HPP_
#define DLX_DLX_HPP_
#include <cstddef>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
namespace dlx {
struct Cell;
class Dlx final {
std::vector<Cell*> ctab_;
std::vector<Cell*> rtab_;
Cell* root_;
auto AddCol() -> void;
auto AddRow() -> void;
auto AllocCol(std::size_t n) -> void;
auto AllocRow(std::size_t n) -> void;
Dlx(Dlx const&) = delete;
auto operator=(Dlx const&) -> Dlx& = delete;
Dlx(Dlx &&);
auto operator=(Dlx &&) -> Dlx&;
// Returns number of rows.
auto Rows() const -> std::size_t;
// Returns number of columns.
auto Cols() const -> std::size_t;
// Places a 1 in the given row and column.
// Increases the number of rows and columns if necessary.
auto Set(std::size_t row, std::size_t col) -> void;
// Marks a column as optional: a solution need not cover the given column,
// but it still must respect the constraints it entails.
auto MarkOptional(std::size_t col) -> void;
// Removes a row from consideration.
// Should only be called after all dlx_set() calls.
auto RemoveRow(std::size_t row) -> void;
// Picks a row to be part of the solution.
// Should only be called after all Set() calls and RemoveRows() calls.
// TODO: Check the row can be legally chosen.
auto PickRow(std::size_t row) -> void;
auto Solve(
std::function<void(std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t)> try_cb,
std::function<void()> undo_cb,
std::function<void()> found_cb,
std::function<void(std::size_t)> stuck_cb) -> void;
auto ForallCover(Dlx& dlx, auto cb) {
std::vector<std::size_t> sol;
[&](std::size_t c, std::size_t s, std::size_t r) { sol.push_back(r); },
[&](){ sol.pop_back(); },
[&](){ cb(sol); },
} // namespace