2023-03-27 14:11:40 -07:00

88 lines
2.2 KiB

#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
#include <doctest.h>
#include <aocpp/Coord.hpp>
#include <aocpp/Grid.hpp>
#include <aocpp/Startup.hpp>
using aocpp::Coord;
using aocpp::Grid;
namespace {
auto Parse(std::istream & in) -> std::tuple<Coord, std::vector<Coord>, Coord, Grid>
std::tuple<Coord, std::vector<Coord>, Coord, Grid> result {{},{},{},Grid::Parse(in)};
// I'd use a structured binding here, but not all current compilers
// supports capture of the resulting bindings in the lambda below
auto& start1 = std::get<0>(result);
auto& starts2 = std::get<1>(result);
auto& end = std::get<2>(result);
auto& grid = std::get<3>(result);
grid.each([&](Coord c, char v) {
switch (v) {
case 'S': grid[c] = 'a'; start1 = c; break;
case 'E': grid[c] = 'z'; end = c; break;
case 'a': starts2.push_back(c); break;
return result;
auto Solve(std::vector<Coord> starts, Coord end, Grid const& grid) -> std::optional<std::int64_t>
std::vector<Coord> next_layer;
std::set<Coord> seen;
std::int64_t counter {};
while (!starts.empty()) {
for (auto const& here : starts) {
if (!seen.insert(here).second) continue;
for (auto const next : {Up(here), Down(here), Left(here), Right(here)}) {
if (grid.contains(next) && grid[next] <= grid[here] + 1) {
if (next == end) { return counter; }
std::swap(starts, next_layer);
return {};
} // namespace
TEST_SUITE("2022-12 examples") {
TEST_CASE("documented example") {
std::istringstream in {
auto [start1, starts2, end, grid] = Parse(in);
CHECK(31 == Solve({start1}, end, grid));
CHECK(29 == Solve(std::move(starts2), end, grid));
auto Main(std::istream & in, std::ostream & out) -> void
auto [start1, starts2, end, grid] = Parse(in);
out << "Part 1: " << Solve({start1}, end, grid).value_or(-1) << std::endl;
out << "Part 2: " << Solve(std::move(starts2), end, grid).value_or(-1) << std::endl;