This commit is contained in:
@ -1,26 +1,28 @@
module Main (main) where
import Control.Exception ( bracket )
import Data.Char (toUpper)
import Data.List (intersperse, isPrefixOf, sort)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..), (<|))
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NonEmpty
import Data.Char (toUpper)
import Data.List (intersperse, sort)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Graphics.Vty
import System.Environment ( getArgs )
import System.Directory ( listDirectory )
import System.FilePath ( (</>), takeBaseName )
import Data.Ord (clamp)
import System.Directory (listDirectory)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.FilePath ((</>), takeBaseName, takeExtension)
import BigFont (bigText)
import Model
import Rendering ( render )
import Parser (parse)
import BigFont
import Rendering (render, wrapBox)
data Game = Game {
gameFlat :: Bool,
gameMode :: GameMode,
gameSelect :: Int
gameSelect :: Int,
gameError :: String
data GameMode
@ -29,9 +31,20 @@ data GameMode
getWorldList :: IO (Map String FilePath)
getWorldList =
do paths <- sort <$> listDirectory "levels"
do paths <- sort . filter isLevelName <$> listDirectory "levels"
pure (Map.fromList [(takeBaseName path, "levels" </> path) | path <- paths])
isLevelName :: FilePath -> Bool
isLevelName path = not ("." `isPrefixOf` path) && ".txt" == takeExtension path
defaultGame :: Game
defaultGame = Game {
gameMode = MenuMode,
gameFlat = True,
gameSelect = 0,
gameError = ""
main :: IO ()
main =
do args <- getArgs
@ -39,44 +52,37 @@ main =
bracket (mkVty =<< userConfig) shutdown \vty ->
case args of
x:_ | Just path <- Map.lookup x worldList ->
do w <- parse <$> readFile path
loop vty Game {
gameMode = PlayMode (pure w),
gameFlat = True,
gameSelect = Map.findIndex x worldList
_ ->
loop vty Game {
gameMode = MenuMode,
gameFlat = True,
gameSelect = 0
loadLevelFile vty defaultGame path
_ -> loop vty defaultGame
loop :: Vty -> Game -> IO ()
loop vty game =
loop vty game = do
bnds <- displayBounds (outputIface vty)
case gameMode game of
MenuMode ->
do worldList <- getWorldList
bnds <- displayBounds (outputIface vty)
update vty (picForImage (renderMenu (gameSelect game) worldList bnds))
update vty (picForLayers $
[errorImage (gameError game) | not (null (gameError game))] ++
[renderMenu bnds (gameSelect game) worldList])
ev <- nextEvent vty
case ev of
EvKey key _modifier ->
case key of
KEsc -> pure ()
KUp | gameSelect game > 0 ->
loop vty game{ gameSelect = gameSelect game - 1 }
KDown | gameSelect game + 1 < Map.size worldList ->
loop vty game{ gameSelect = gameSelect game + 1 }
KEnter | (_, path) <- Map.elemAt (gameSelect game) worldList ->
do world <- parse <$> readFile path
loop vty game{ gameMode = PlayMode (pure world) }
KEsc -> escape vty game
KUp -> loop vty game{ gameSelect = max 0 (gameSelect game - 1) }
KPageUp -> loop vty game{ gameSelect = max 0 (gameSelect game - 10) }
KDown -> loop vty game{ gameSelect = clamp (0, Map.size worldList - 1) (gameSelect game + 1) }
KPageDown -> loop vty game{ gameSelect = clamp (0, Map.size worldList - 1) (gameSelect game + 10) }
| 0 <= gameSelect game, gameSelect game < Map.size worldList
, (_, path) <- Map.elemAt (gameSelect game) worldList ->
loadLevelFile vty game path
_ -> loop vty game
_ -> loop vty game
PlayMode worlds ->
do let world = NonEmpty.head worlds
update vty (render (gameFlat game) (NonEmpty.head worlds))
update vty (render bnds (gameFlat game) (NonEmpty.head worlds))
ev <- nextEvent vty
case ev of
EvKey key _modifier ->
@ -91,14 +97,28 @@ loop vty game =
KChar 'z'
| Just worlds' <- NonEmpty.nonEmpty (NonEmpty.tail worlds) ->
loop vty game{ gameMode = PlayMode worlds' }
KEsc -> pure ()
KEsc -> escape vty game
KChar 'f' -> loop vty game{ gameFlat = not (gameFlat game) }
_ -> loop vty game
_ -> loop vty game
escape :: Vty -> Game -> IO ()
escape vty game
| null (gameError game) = pure ()
| otherwise = loop vty game{ gameError = "" }
renderMenu :: Int -> Map String a -> DisplayRegion -> Image
renderMenu sel list (w,h)
loadLevelFile :: Vty -> Game -> FilePath -> IO ()
loadLevelFile vty game path =
do file <- readFile path
case parse file of
Left errorMessage -> loop vty game{ gameError = errorMessage }
Right world -> loop vty game{
gameMode = PlayMode (pure world),
gameError = ""
renderMenu :: DisplayRegion -> Int -> Map String a -> Image
renderMenu (w,h) sel list
| hpad >= 0 = pad wpad hpad 0 0 menu
| otherwise = pad wpad 0 0 0 (cropTop (imageHeight menu + hpad) menu)
@ -112,5 +132,10 @@ renderMenu sel list (w,h)
| (i,k) <- zip [0..] (Map.keys list)
errorImage :: String -> Image
errorImage str = wrapBox a (bigString a str)
a = defAttr `withForeColor` red
bigString :: Attr -> String -> Image
bigString a = vertCat . map (string a) . bigText . map toUpper
@ -207,11 +207,13 @@ nextLoc :: World -> Movement -> Location -> Rational -> Maybe (Location, Rationa
nextLoc world (dy, dx) = go Set.empty
-- Step fits within current box, success
go _ (Location b y x) offset
| Just box <- Map.lookup b (worldBoxes world)
, inRange (bounds (boxWalls world box)) (y+dy, x+dx)
= Just (Location b (y+dy) (x+dx), offset)
-- Step takes us off the edge of the box, exit to parent
go visited (Location b y x) offset
| Just box <- Map.lookup b (worldBoxes world)
, Set.notMember b visited
@ -222,11 +224,13 @@ nextLoc world (dy, dx) = go Set.empty
$ (offset + fromIntegral (abs dy*x+abs dx*y))
/ fromIntegral faceSize
-- exiting has cycled, exit from next infinity box
go visited (Location b y x) offset
| Set.member b visited
, Just b' <- findInfinity world b
= go visited (Location b' y x) offset
-- infinity boxes exhausted, exit to void
go _ _ _ = Nothing
findInfinity :: World -> Char -> Maybe Char
@ -10,18 +10,34 @@ import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP hiding (many)
import Model
parse :: String -> World
parse :: String -> Either String World
parse str =
case readP_to_S ((,) <$> parseHeader <*> many parseBlock <* eof) str of
[] -> error "world parsing failed"
[] -> Left "world parsing failed"
(((p,h,w),bs),_):_ ->
do let m = Map.fromListWith (++) [(k,[v]) | (_,_,kvs) <- bs, (k,v) <- kvs]
(Map.fromList [(n, b { boxLocation = head <$> Map.lookup n m }) | (n,b,_) <- bs])
(Set.fromList (Map.findWithDefault [] '-' m))
(head (m Map.! '='))
(h, w)
home <-
case Map.lookup '=' m of
Nothing -> Left "no home location defined"
Just [home] -> Right home
Just _ -> Left "ambiguous home defined"
boxes <- sequence $
[(n, case Map.lookup n m of
Nothing -> Right b {boxLocation = Nothing}
Just [l] -> Right b {boxLocation = Just l}
Just _ -> Left ("ambiguous location for: " ++ [n])
) | (n,b,_) <- bs]
Right World {
worldBoxes = boxes,
worldMe = p,
worldButtons = Set.fromList (Map.findWithDefault [] '-' m),
worldHome = home,
worldSize = (h, w)
parseHeader :: ReadP (Char,Int,Int)
parseHeader =
@ -30,7 +46,7 @@ parseHeader =
h <- option 81
do "height" <- token
w <- option (81*2)
w <- option (h*2)
do "width" <- token
pure (p,h,w)
@ -18,12 +18,11 @@ unit :: Attr -> Int -> Int -> Char -> Image
unit a h w c =
vertCat (replicate h (string a (replicate w c)))
drawBox :: Attr -> Int {- ^ width -} -> Int {- ^ height -} -> Image
drawBox a 1 w = string a ("[" ++ replicate (w-2) '-' ++ "]")
drawBox a h w = vertCat $
string a ('┌' : replicate (w-2) '─' ++ "┐") :
replicate (h-2) (string a ('│' : replicate (w-2) ' ' ++ "│")) ++
[string a ('└' : replicate (w-2) '─' ++ "┘")]
wrapBox :: Attr -> Image -> Image
wrapBox a body =
char a '┌' <|> charFill a '─' (imageWidth body) 1 <|> char a '┐' <->
charFill a '│' 1 (imageHeight body) <|> body <|> charFill a '│' 1 (imageHeight body) <->
char a '└' <|> charFill a '─' (imageWidth body) 1 <|> char a '┘'
button :: Attr -> Int -> Int -> Image
button a 1 w = string a ("[" ++ replicate (w-2) '-' ++ "]")
@ -93,48 +92,53 @@ renderBox world locMap box name boxh boxw =
boxHeight = yhi - ylo + 1
render ::
DisplayRegion ->
Bool {- ^ show flat overlay -} ->
World ->
render flat world = picForLayers $
[ pad 98 12 0 0 $
string defAttr "██╗ ██╗██╗███╗ ██╗███╗ ██╗███████╗██████╗ " <->
string defAttr "██║ ██║██║████╗ ██║████╗ ██║██╔════╝██╔══██╗" <->
string defAttr "██║ █╗ ██║██║██╔██╗ ██║██╔██╗ ██║█████╗ ██████╔╝" <->
string defAttr "██║███╗██║██║██║╚██╗██║██║╚██╗██║██╔══╝ ██╔══██╗" <->
string defAttr "╚███╔███╔╝██║██║ ╚████║██║ ╚████║███████╗██║ ██║" <->
string defAttr " ╚══╝╚══╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═══╝╚═╝ ╚═══╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝"
| winCondition world ] ++
[ pad 94 7 0 0 $
render bnds flat world = picForLayers $
[ center bnds $
pad 0 12 0 0 $
wrapBox winAttr $
string winAttr "██╗ ██╗██╗███╗ ██╗███╗ ██╗███████╗██████╗ " <->
string winAttr "██║ ██║██║████╗ ██║████╗ ██║██╔════╝██╔══██╗" <->
string winAttr "██║ █╗ ██║██║██╔██╗ ██║██╔██╗ ██║█████╗ ██████╔╝" <->
string winAttr "██║███╗██║██║██║╚██╗██║██║╚██╗██║██╔══╝ ██╔══██╗" <->
string winAttr "╚███╔███╔╝██║██║ ╚████║██║ ╚████║███████╗██║ ██║" <->
string winAttr " ╚══╝╚══╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═══╝╚═╝ ╚═══╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝"
| let winAttr = defAttr `withForeColor` yellow
, winCondition world ] ++
[ center bnds $
vertCat (map (string defAttr) (bigText "VOIDED"))
| isNothing (boxLocation (boxIx world (worldMe world))) ] ++
(if flat then renderFlat locMap world else []) ++
[drawNestedWorld locMap world]
(if flat then map (center bnds) (renderFlat locMap world) else []) ++
[center bnds (drawNestedWorld bnds locMap world)]
locMap = worldLocations world
-- | Center an image horizontally within the display region.
-- If the image is wider than the region, left-align it.
center :: DisplayRegion -> Image -> Image
center (w,_) image =
pad (max 0 (w - imageWidth image) `div` 2) 0 0 0 image
renderFlat :: Map Location (Char, Box) -> World -> [Image]
renderFlat locMap world =
[ pad offset 0 0 0 baseImage
, pad offset 0 0 0 $ drawBox borderAttr (imageHeight baseImage) (imageWidth baseImage)
[wrapBox borderAttr baseImage | not (null components)]
borderAttr = defAttr `withForeColor` white `withBackColor` black
offset = max 0 ( (snd (worldSize world) + 2*(2*border)+2 - imageWidth baseImage) `div` 2)
baseImage =
pad 2 1 2 1 $
horizCat $
intersperse (char borderAttr ' ')
baseImage = horizCat components
components =
[renderBox world locMap b n 18 36
| (n,b) <- Map.assocs (worldBoxes world)
, not (boxBoring b)]
drawNestedWorld :: Map Location (Char, Box) -> World -> Image
drawNestedWorld locMap world =
cropTop (h + 2*border) $
cropLeft (w + 4*border) $
cropBottom (2*h + border) $
cropRight (2*(w + border)) $
drawNestedWorld :: DisplayRegion -> Map Location (Char, Box) -> World -> Image
drawNestedWorld (drW, drH) locMap world =
cropTop (h + 2 + 2*edgeH) $
cropLeft (w + 2 + 2*edgeW) $
cropBottom (2*h + 2 + edgeH) $
cropRight (2*w + 2 + edgeW) $
vertCat $
intersperse (char defAttr ' ')
@ -160,6 +164,8 @@ drawNestedWorld locMap world =
| dy <- [-1 .. 1]
edgeW = max 0 (drW - w) `div` 2
edgeH = max 0 (drH - h) `div` 2
infinityImage = makeInfinity h w
(h, w) = worldSize world
Reference in New Issue
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