configurable sizes
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ module Main (main) where
import Control.Exception ( bracket )
import Control.Exception ( bracket )
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NonEmpty
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NonEmpty
import Data.Char (toUpper)
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Graphics.Vty
import Graphics.Vty
@ -13,6 +15,7 @@ import System.FilePath ( (</>), takeBaseName )
import Model
import Model
import Rendering ( render )
import Rendering ( render )
import Parser (parse)
import Parser (parse)
import BigFont
data Game = Game {
data Game = Game {
gameFlat :: Bool,
gameFlat :: Bool,
@ -98,16 +101,19 @@ renderMenu (w,h) before after =
menu =
menu =
case Map.minViewWithKey after of
case Map.minViewWithKey after of
Nothing -> string defAttr "empty menu"
Nothing -> bigString defAttr "empty menu"
Just ((k,_),after') ->
Just ((k,_),after') ->
let len1 = (h-1)`div`2 in
let len1 = (h-1)`div`2 `div` 6 in
pad 0 (len1 - Map.size before) 0 0 (vertCat
pad 0 (max 0 (6 * (len1 - Map.size before))) 0 0 $
[ string defAttr x
vertCat $
intersperse (char defAttr ' ') $
[ bigString defAttr x
| x <- drop (Map.size before - len1) (Map.keys before)
| x <- drop (Map.size before - len1) (Map.keys before)
]) <->
] ++
string (defAttr `withBackColor` cyan `withForeColor` white) k
[bigString (defAttr `withBackColor` cyan `withForeColor` white) k] ++
[ bigString defAttr x
[ string defAttr x
| x <- drop (Map.size after' - h`div`2) (Map.keys after')
| x <- drop (Map.size after' - h`div`2) (Map.keys after')
bigString :: Attr -> String -> Image
bigString a = vertCat . map (string a) . bigText . map toUpper
@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ data World = World {
worldBoxes :: Map Char Box,
worldBoxes :: Map Char Box,
worldMe :: Char,
worldMe :: Char,
worldButtons :: Set Location,
worldButtons :: Set Location,
worldHome :: Location
worldHome :: Location,
worldHeight :: Int,
worldWidth :: Int
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
@ -6,70 +6,109 @@ import Graphics.Vty.Attributes
import Data.Array (Array, listArray)
import Data.Array (Array, listArray)
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP hiding (many)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
parse :: String -> World
parse :: String -> World
parse str = either error id $
parse str =
case lines str of
case readP_to_S ((,) <$> parseHeader <*> many parseBlock <* eof) str of
x:xs ->
[] -> error "world parsing failed"
do h <- parseHeader x
(((p,h,w),bs),_):_ ->
bs <- parseBlocks xs
do let m = Map.fromListWith (++) [(k,[v]) | (_,_,kvs) <- bs, (k,v) <- kvs]
let m = Map.fromListWith (++) [(k,[v]) | (_,_,kvs) <- bs, (k,v) <- kvs]
pure $ World
(Map.fromList [
(Map.fromList [
(n, b { boxLocation = head (m Map.! n)})
(n, b { boxLocation = head (m Map.! n)})
| (n,b,_) <- bs
| (n,b,_) <- bs
(Set.fromList (Map.findWithDefault [] '-' m))
(Set.fromList (Map.findWithDefault [] '-' m))
(head (m Map.! '='))
(head (m Map.! '='))
[] -> Left "empty input"
h w
parseHeader :: ReadP (Char,Int,Int)
parseHeader =
do "player" <- token
[p] <- token
h <- option 81
do "height" <- token
w <- option (81*2)
do "width" <- token
pure (p,h,w)
parseHeader :: String -> Either String Char
integer :: ReadP Int
parseHeader (words -> ["player", [p]]) = Right p
integer = readS_to_P reads
parseHeader _ = Left "bad header"
parseBlocks :: [String] -> Either String [(Char, Box, [(Char, Location)])]
parseBoring :: ReadP Bool
parseBlocks [] = Right []
parseBoring =
parseBlocks (x:xs) =
do t <- token
case words x of
case t of
["block", [name], color, boring] ->
"boring" -> pure True
do color_ <- parseColor color
"interesting" -> pure False
let (xs1,xs2) = splitWalls xs
_ -> empty
let locs = findLocs name xs1
let b = Box undefined (Original (walls xs1)) color_ (boring == "boring")
bs <- parseBlocks xs2
pure ((name, b, locs):bs)
["link", [name], [target], color] ->
do color_ <- parseColor color
bs <- parseBlocks xs
pure ((name, Box undefined (Link target) color_ True, []):bs)
["infinity", [name], [target], color] ->
do color_ <- parseColor color
bs <- parseBlocks xs
pure ((name, Box undefined (Infinity target) color_ True,[]):bs)
["epsilon", [name], [target], color] ->
do color_ <- parseColor color
let (xs1,xs2) = splitWalls xs
let locs = findLocs name xs1
let b = Box undefined (Epsilon target (walls xs1)) color_ False
bs <- parseBlocks xs2
pure ((name, b, locs):bs)
_ -> Left "bad block"
splitWalls (x:xs) =
parseBlock :: ReadP (Char, Box, [(Char, Location)])
case splitAt (length x - 1) xs of
parseBlock =
(a,b) -> (x:a, b)
do cmd <- token
case cmd of
"block" ->
do [name] <- token
color <- parseColor
boring <- parseBoring
skipMany (satisfy (' '==))
_ <- char '\n'
xs1 <- parseWalls
let locs = findLocs name xs1
let b = Box undefined (Original (walls xs1)) color boring
pure (name, b, locs)
"link" ->
do [name] <- token
[target] <- token
color <- parseColor
_ <- char '\n'
pure (name, Box undefined (Link target) color True, [])
"infinity" ->
do [name] <- token
[target] <- token
color <- parseColor
_ <- char '\n'
pure (name, Box undefined (Infinity target) color True,[])
"epsilon" ->
do [name] <- token
[target] <- token
color <- parseColor
skipMany (satisfy (' '==))
_ <- char '\n'
xs1 <- parseWalls
let locs = findLocs name xs1
let b = Box undefined (Epsilon target (walls xs1)) color False
pure (name, b, locs)
_ -> empty
parseColor :: String -> Either String Attr
parseWalls :: ReadP [String]
parseColor "white" = Right (withForeColor defAttr white)
parseWalls =
parseColor "cyan" = Right (withForeColor defAttr cyan)
do row0 <- munch1 ('\n' /=) <* char '\n'
parseColor "blue" = Right (withForeColor defAttr blue)
rows <- replicateM (length row0 - 1) (munch1 ('\n' /=) <* char '\n')
parseColor "red" = Right (withForeColor defAttr red)
pure (row0:rows)
parseColor "yellow" = Right (withForeColor defAttr yellow)
parseColor "magenta" = Right (withForeColor defAttr magenta)
token :: ReadP String
parseColor "black" = Right (withForeColor defAttr black)
token = readS_to_P lex
parseColor "green" = Right (withForeColor defAttr green)
parseColor x = Left ("bad color " ++ x)
parseColor :: ReadP Attr
parseColor =
do t <- token
case t of
"white" -> pure (withForeColor defAttr white)
"cyan" -> pure (withForeColor defAttr cyan)
"blue" -> pure (withForeColor defAttr blue)
"red" -> pure (withForeColor defAttr red)
"yellow" -> pure (withForeColor defAttr yellow)
"magenta" -> pure (withForeColor defAttr magenta)
"black" -> pure (withForeColor defAttr black)
"green" -> pure (withForeColor defAttr green)
_ -> empty
walls :: [String] -> Array Coord Bool
walls :: [String] -> Array Coord Bool
walls rows = listArray ((ylo,xlo),(yhi,xhi)) (map ('▓'==) (concat rows))
walls rows = listArray ((ylo,xlo),(yhi,xhi)) (map ('▓'==) (concat rows))
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ renderFlat locMap world =
borderAttr = defAttr `withForeColor` white `withBackColor` black
borderAttr = defAttr `withForeColor` white `withBackColor` black
offset = max 0 ( (2*(81+2*border)+2 - imageWidth baseImage) `div` 2)
offset = max 0 ( (worldWidth world + 2*(2*border)+2 - imageWidth baseImage) `div` 2)
baseImage =
baseImage =
pad 2 1 2 1 $
pad 2 1 2 1 $
horizCat $
horizCat $
@ -127,11 +127,10 @@ renderFlat locMap world =
drawNestedWorld :: Map Location Char -> World -> Image
drawNestedWorld :: Map Location Char -> World -> Image
drawNestedWorld locMap world =
drawNestedWorld locMap world =
-- (3*81) + 81 + (3*81)
cropTop (h + 2*border) $
cropTop (81 + 2*border) $
cropLeft (w + 4*border) $
cropLeft (2*(81 + 2*border)) $
cropBottom (2*h + border) $
cropBottom (2*81 + border) $
cropRight (2*(w + border)) $
cropRight (2*(2*81 + border)) $
vertCat $
vertCat $
intersperse (char defAttr ' ')
intersperse (char defAttr ' ')
@ -139,15 +138,17 @@ drawNestedWorld locMap world =
intersperse (char defAttr ' ')
intersperse (char defAttr ' ')
case stackedLoc world locMap (Location name1 y_ x_) of
case stackedLoc world locMap (Location name1 y_ x_) of
Nothing -> unit (withForeColor defAttr black) 81 162 '?'
Nothing -> unit (withForeColor defAttr black) h w '?'
Just (Location n y x) ->
Just (Location n y x) ->
let box = worldBoxes world Map.! n in
let box = worldBoxes world Map.! n in
renderCell world locMap n box y x 81 (81*2)
renderCell world locMap n box y x h w
| x_ <- [x1-1 .. x1+1]
| x_ <- [x1-1 .. x1+1]
| y_ <- [y1-1 .. y1+1]
| y_ <- [y1-1 .. y1+1]
h = worldHeight world
w = worldWidth world
-- name1 is the box the player is standing in
-- name1 is the box the player is standing in
Location name0 _ _ = myLocation world
Location name0 _ _ = myLocation world
Location name1 y1 x1 = boxLocation (worldBoxes world Map.! name0)
Location name1 y1 x1 = boxLocation (worldBoxes world Map.! name0)
@ -1,14 +1,10 @@
player p
player p
block t white boring
block t white boring
block a white interesting
block a white interesting
@ -22,14 +18,14 @@ block a white interesting
block g green interesting
block g green interesting
x ▓
x ▓
block x yellow boring
block x yellow boring
block p magenta boring
block p magenta boring
▓ ▓▓ ▓
▓ ▓ ▓
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
player p
player p height 75 width 150
block t red boring
block t red boring
@ -6,15 +6,11 @@ block t red boring
block r red interesting
block r red interesting
p y
▓▓ ▓▓
▓▓ p y ▓▓
b g
▓▓ ▓▓
= -
▓▓ b g ▓▓
▓▓= -▓▓
block p magenta boring
block p magenta boring
▓ ▓ ▓
▓ ▓ ▓
@ -1,14 +1,10 @@
player m
player m
block t cyan boring
block t cyan boring
block a cyan interesting
block a cyan interesting
@ -20,35 +16,19 @@ block a cyan interesting
block m magenta boring
block m magenta boring
▓ ▓ ▓
▓▓ ▓▓▓ ▓▓
block g green interesting
block g green interesting
block p red interesting
block p red interesting
link G g green
link G g green
link P p red
link P p red
infinity Γ g green
infinity Γ g green
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ common warnings
executable parabox
executable parabox
import: warnings
import: warnings
main-is: Main.hs
main-is: Main.hs
other-modules: Rendering, Model, Parser
other-modules: Rendering, Model, Parser, BigFont
-- other-modules:
-- other-modules:
default-extensions: ImportQualifiedPost, BlockArguments, LambdaCase
default-extensions: ImportQualifiedPost, BlockArguments, LambdaCase
Reference in New Issue
Block a user