add some level selection
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,12 +5,16 @@ import Graphics.Vty
import Control.Exception
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NonEmpty
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import System.Environment
import Model
import Rendering
world0 :: World
world0 = World {
worldButtons = Set.empty,
worldHome = Location '2' 0 0,
worldMe = 'b',
worldBoxes = Map.fromList
[('1', Box {
@ -154,10 +158,12 @@ world0 = World {
main :: IO ()
main =
bracket (mkVty =<< userConfig) shutdown \vty ->
loop vty (pure clone11)
pure ()
do args <- getArgs
let name = case args of x:_ -> x; [] -> ""
bracket (mkVty =<< userConfig) shutdown \vty ->
loop vty (pure (pickWorld name))
pure ()
loop :: Vty -> NonEmpty World -> IO ()
loop vty (world :| history) =
@ -170,6 +176,7 @@ loop vty (world :| history) =
KDown -> loop vty (move world (1,0) :| world : history)
KLeft -> loop vty (move world (0,-1) :| world : history)
KRight -> loop vty (move world (0,1) :| world : history)
KChar 'r' -> loop vty (pure (NonEmpty.last (world :| history)))
KChar 'z'
| Just worlds <- NonEmpty.nonEmpty history ->
loop vty worlds
@ -177,6 +184,14 @@ loop vty (world :| history) =
_ -> loop vty (world :| history)
_ -> loop vty (world :| history)
pickWorld :: String -> World
pickWorld "world0" = world0
pickWorld "small" = smallWorld
pickWorld "center8" = center8
pickWorld "center13" = center13
pickWorld "clone11" = clone11
pickWorld _ = transfer14
smallWorld :: World
smallWorld =
@ -221,6 +236,8 @@ smallWorld =
(Original (solid 9))
(withForeColor defAttr red))
]) 'b'
(Location 'b' 0 0)
center8 :: World
center8 =
@ -266,6 +283,8 @@ center8 =
(Original (solid 9))
(withForeColor defAttr red))
]) 'b'
(Location 'a' 3 2)
center13 :: World
center13 =
@ -311,6 +330,8 @@ center13 =
(Original (solid 9))
(withForeColor defAttr red))
]) 'b'
(Location 'a' 2 0)
clone11 :: World
@ -341,4 +362,65 @@ clone11 =
(Location 'a' 0 (-2))
(Original (solid 9))
(withForeColor defAttr red))
]) 'b'
(Set.fromList [Location 'a' (-1) (-3), Location 'a' (-2) (-3)])
(Location 'a' (-3) (-3))
transfer14 :: World
transfer14 =
Box (Location 'a' 1 1)
(Original (makeWalls [
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ▓ ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" "
(withForeColor defAttr cyan)),
(Location 'a' (-1) (-1))
(Original (makeWalls [
" ▓▓▓ ",
" ▓ ▓ ",
" ",
" ▓ ",
"▓▓ ▓ ▓▓",
" ▓ ",
" ",
" ",
" ▓ "
(withForeColor defAttr green)),
(Location 'g' 3 (-3))
(Original (makeWalls [
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" "
(withForeColor defAttr magenta)),
(Location 'a' 1 (-1))
(Original (solid 9))
(withForeColor defAttr red))
(Set.fromList [Location 'g' (-2) 0])
(Location 'g' (-3) 0)
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import Graphics.Vty
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Debug.Trace
import Data.Set (Set)
type Coord = (Int, Int)
@ -34,7 +34,9 @@ data Location = Location Char Int Int
data World = World {
worldBoxes :: Map Char Box,
worldMe :: Char
worldMe :: Char,
worldButtons :: Set Location,
worldHome :: Location
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
@ -12,25 +12,45 @@ unit :: Attr -> Int -> Char -> Image
unit a scale x =
vertCat (replicate scale (string a (replicate (2*scale) x)))
button :: Attr -> Int -> Image
button a 1 = string a "[]"
button a n = vertCat $
string a ('┌' : replicate (2*n-2) '─' ++ "┐") :
replicate (n-2) (string a ('│' : replicate (2*n-2) '░' ++ "│")) ++
[string a ('└' : replicate (2*n-2) '─' ++ "┘")]
home :: Attr -> Int -> Image
home a 1 = string a "<>"
home a n = vertCat $
string a ('╔' : replicate (2*n-2) '═' ++ "╗") :
replicate (n-2) (string a ('║' : replicate (2*n-2) '░' ++ "║")) ++
[string a ('╚' : replicate (2*n-2) '═' ++ "╝")]
renderCell :: World -> Map Location Char -> Char -> Box -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Image
renderCell world locMap name box y x scale =
if boxWalls world box ! (y,x) then unit (boxColor box) scale wallChar
else case Map.lookup (Location name' y x) locMap of
Nothing -> unit (boxColor box) scale '░'
Just n ->
if scale == 1
then unit (boxColor (worldBoxes world Map.! n)) scale n
else renderBox world locMap (worldBoxes world Map.! n) n
(scale `div` boxSize world box)
| Set.member loc (worldButtons world) -> button (boxColor box) scale
| loc == worldHome world -> home (boxColor box) scale
| otherwise -> unit (boxColor box) scale '░'
name' =
case boxType box of
Original{} -> name
Link c -> c
wallChar =
case boxType box of
Original{} -> '▓'
Link{} -> '▒'
loc = Location name' y x
name' =
case boxType box of
Original{} -> name
Link c -> c
wallChar =
case boxType box of
Original{} -> '▓'
Link{} -> '▒'
renderBox :: World -> Map Location Char -> Box -> Char -> Int -> Image
renderBox world locMap box name scale =
Reference in New Issue
Block a user