advent- Advent of Code common library
All the core functionality needed for the programming game.
- Advent Solution helper library
- Advent.Box N-dimensional boxes
- Advent.Chinese Chinese-remainder theorem
- Advent.Coord Row-major coordinates
- Advent.Coord3 3D coordinates
- Advent.Fix Newtype for building recursive datatypes
- Advent.Format Input file format quasiquoter
- Advent.Group Support for abstract algebraic groups
- Advent.Input Input file helpers
- Advent.MaxClique Maximal clique enumerator
- Advent.Memo Memoization functions
- Advent.MinCut Minimum cut graph algorithm
- Advent.Nat Type level nats as successor and zero
- Advent.Orphans Orphan instances
- Advent.PQueue Int-priority min queue
- Advent.Permutation Composable permutations
- Advent.Prelude Prelude extension for AoC solutions
- Advent.Queue FIFO queue implementation
- Advent.ReadS Newtype for parsing with ReadS
- Advent.Search Generalized graph search
- Advent.SmallSet An efficient set representation for small integers.
- Advent.Tokenize Automation for replacing data with Ints