{-# Language RecordWildCards, TemplateHaskell, QuasiQuotes, ImportQualifiedPost #-}
Module      : Main
Description : Day 24 solution
Copyright   : (c) Eric Mertens, 2018
License     : ISC
Maintainer  : emertens@gmail.com

module Main (main) where

import Advent (format, stageTH)
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import Data.IntMap qualified as IntMap
import Data.List (foldl', maximumBy, delete, sortOn)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Ord (comparing)

data Group = Group
  { Group -> Int
size          :: !Int
  , Group -> Int
hp            :: !Int
  , Group -> [(Element, Effect)]
special       :: [(Element, Effect)]
  , Group -> Int
attack        :: !Int
  , Group -> Element
attackElement :: !Element
  , Group -> Int
initiative    :: !Int
  , Group -> Team
team          :: !Team
  deriving (Int -> Group -> ShowS
[Group] -> ShowS
Group -> String
(Int -> Group -> ShowS)
-> (Group -> String) -> ([Group] -> ShowS) -> Show Group
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> Group -> ShowS
showsPrec :: Int -> Group -> ShowS
$cshow :: Group -> String
show :: Group -> String
$cshowList :: [Group] -> ShowS
showList :: [Group] -> ShowS
Show, Group -> Group -> Bool
(Group -> Group -> Bool) -> (Group -> Group -> Bool) -> Eq Group
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
$c== :: Group -> Group -> Bool
== :: Group -> Group -> Bool
$c/= :: Group -> Group -> Bool
/= :: Group -> Group -> Bool

type Team = T
data T = Tgood | Tbad deriving (Team -> Team -> Bool
(Team -> Team -> Bool) -> (Team -> Team -> Bool) -> Eq Team
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
$c== :: Team -> Team -> Bool
== :: Team -> Team -> Bool
$c/= :: Team -> Team -> Bool
/= :: Team -> Team -> Bool
Eq, Eq Team
Eq Team =>
(Team -> Team -> Ordering)
-> (Team -> Team -> Bool)
-> (Team -> Team -> Bool)
-> (Team -> Team -> Bool)
-> (Team -> Team -> Bool)
-> (Team -> Team -> Team)
-> (Team -> Team -> Team)
-> Ord Team
Team -> Team -> Bool
Team -> Team -> Ordering
Team -> Team -> Team
forall a.
Eq a =>
(a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> Ord a
$ccompare :: Team -> Team -> Ordering
compare :: Team -> Team -> Ordering
$c< :: Team -> Team -> Bool
< :: Team -> Team -> Bool
$c<= :: Team -> Team -> Bool
<= :: Team -> Team -> Bool
$c> :: Team -> Team -> Bool
> :: Team -> Team -> Bool
$c>= :: Team -> Team -> Bool
>= :: Team -> Team -> Bool
$cmax :: Team -> Team -> Team
max :: Team -> Team -> Team
$cmin :: Team -> Team -> Team
min :: Team -> Team -> Team
Ord, Int -> Team -> ShowS
[Team] -> ShowS
Team -> String
(Int -> Team -> ShowS)
-> (Team -> String) -> ([Team] -> ShowS) -> Show Team
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> Team -> ShowS
showsPrec :: Int -> Team -> ShowS
$cshow :: Team -> String
show :: Team -> String
$cshowList :: [Team] -> ShowS
showList :: [Team] -> ShowS

type Effect = E
data E = Eweak | Eimmune deriving (Effect -> Effect -> Bool
(Effect -> Effect -> Bool)
-> (Effect -> Effect -> Bool) -> Eq Effect
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
$c== :: Effect -> Effect -> Bool
== :: Effect -> Effect -> Bool
$c/= :: Effect -> Effect -> Bool
/= :: Effect -> Effect -> Bool
Eq, Eq Effect
Eq Effect =>
(Effect -> Effect -> Ordering)
-> (Effect -> Effect -> Bool)
-> (Effect -> Effect -> Bool)
-> (Effect -> Effect -> Bool)
-> (Effect -> Effect -> Bool)
-> (Effect -> Effect -> Effect)
-> (Effect -> Effect -> Effect)
-> Ord Effect
Effect -> Effect -> Bool
Effect -> Effect -> Ordering
Effect -> Effect -> Effect
forall a.
Eq a =>
(a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> Ord a
$ccompare :: Effect -> Effect -> Ordering
compare :: Effect -> Effect -> Ordering
$c< :: Effect -> Effect -> Bool
< :: Effect -> Effect -> Bool
$c<= :: Effect -> Effect -> Bool
<= :: Effect -> Effect -> Bool
$c> :: Effect -> Effect -> Bool
> :: Effect -> Effect -> Bool
$c>= :: Effect -> Effect -> Bool
>= :: Effect -> Effect -> Bool
$cmax :: Effect -> Effect -> Effect
max :: Effect -> Effect -> Effect
$cmin :: Effect -> Effect -> Effect
min :: Effect -> Effect -> Effect
Ord, Int -> Effect -> ShowS
[Effect] -> ShowS
Effect -> String
(Int -> Effect -> ShowS)
-> (Effect -> String) -> ([Effect] -> ShowS) -> Show Effect
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> Effect -> ShowS
showsPrec :: Int -> Effect -> ShowS
$cshow :: Effect -> String
show :: Effect -> String
$cshowList :: [Effect] -> ShowS
showList :: [Effect] -> ShowS

type Element = D
data D = Dbludgeoning | Dfire | Dslashing | Dradiation | Dcold
  deriving (Element -> Element -> Bool
(Element -> Element -> Bool)
-> (Element -> Element -> Bool) -> Eq Element
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
$c== :: Element -> Element -> Bool
== :: Element -> Element -> Bool
$c/= :: Element -> Element -> Bool
/= :: Element -> Element -> Bool
Eq, Eq Element
Eq Element =>
(Element -> Element -> Ordering)
-> (Element -> Element -> Bool)
-> (Element -> Element -> Bool)
-> (Element -> Element -> Bool)
-> (Element -> Element -> Bool)
-> (Element -> Element -> Element)
-> (Element -> Element -> Element)
-> Ord Element
Element -> Element -> Bool
Element -> Element -> Ordering
Element -> Element -> Element
forall a.
Eq a =>
(a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> Ord a
$ccompare :: Element -> Element -> Ordering
compare :: Element -> Element -> Ordering
$c< :: Element -> Element -> Bool
< :: Element -> Element -> Bool
$c<= :: Element -> Element -> Bool
<= :: Element -> Element -> Bool
$c> :: Element -> Element -> Bool
> :: Element -> Element -> Bool
$c>= :: Element -> Element -> Bool
>= :: Element -> Element -> Bool
$cmax :: Element -> Element -> Element
max :: Element -> Element -> Element
$cmin :: Element -> Element -> Element
min :: Element -> Element -> Element
Ord, Int -> Element -> ShowS
[Element] -> ShowS
Element -> String
(Int -> Element -> ShowS)
-> (Element -> String) -> ([Element] -> ShowS) -> Show Element
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> Element -> ShowS
showsPrec :: Int -> Element -> ShowS
$cshow :: Element -> String
show :: Element -> String
$cshowList :: [Element] -> ShowS
showList :: [Element] -> ShowS


-- | Print the answers to day 24
-- >>> :main
-- 16747
-- 5923
main :: IO ()
IO ()
main =
 do (goods, bads) <- [format|2018 24
      Immune System:%n
      (%u units each with %u hit points(| %((@E to @D&(, ))&(; )%)) with an attack that does %u @D damage at initiative %u%n)*
      (%u units each with %u hit points(| %((@E to @D&(, ))&(; )%)) with an attack that does %u @D damage at initiative %u%n)*|]
    let toGroup Team
team (Int
size, Int
hp, Maybe [(Effect, [Element])]
mbSpecial, Int
attack, Element
attackElement, Int
initiative) =
          Group{ special :: [(Element, Effect)]
special = [(Element
d, Effect
e) | (Effect
e, [Element]
ds) <- [(Effect, [Element])]
-> Maybe [(Effect, [Element])] -> [(Effect, [Element])]
forall a. a -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe [] Maybe [(Effect, [Element])]
mbSpecial, Element
d <- [Element]
ds], Int
size :: Int
hp :: Int
attack :: Int
attackElement :: Element
initiative :: Int
team :: Team
team :: Team
size :: Int
hp :: Int
attack :: Int
attackElement :: Element
initiative :: Int
    let groups = ((Int, Int, Maybe [(Effect, [Element])], Int, Element, Int)
 -> Group)
-> [(Int, Int, Maybe [(Effect, [Element])], Int, Element, Int)]
-> [Group]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (Team
-> (Int, Int, Maybe [(Effect, [Element])], Int, Element, Int)
-> Group
toGroup Team
Tgood) [(Int, Int, Maybe [(Effect, [Element])], Int, Element, Int)]
goods [Group] -> [Group] -> [Group]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ ((Int, Int, Maybe [(Effect, [Element])], Int, Element, Int)
 -> Group)
-> [(Int, Int, Maybe [(Effect, [Element])], Int, Element, Int)]
-> [Group]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (Team
-> (Int, Int, Maybe [(Effect, [Element])], Int, Element, Int)
-> Group
toGroup Team
Tbad) [(Int, Int, Maybe [(Effect, [Element])], Int, Element, Int)]
    let groupMap = [(Int, Group)] -> IntMap Group
forall a. [(Int, a)] -> IntMap a
IntMap.fromList [ (Group -> Int
initiative Group
g, Group
g) | Group
g <- [Group]
groups ]
    print (evaluate (simulate groupMap))
    print (evaluate (search (attemptBoost groupMap) 1 Nothing))

-- | Find the sum of the sizes of all the groups.
evaluate :: IntMap Group -> Int
evaluate :: IntMap Group -> Int
evaluate = IntMap Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => IntMap a -> a
forall (t :: * -> *) a. (Foldable t, Num a) => t a -> a
sum (IntMap Int -> Int)
-> (IntMap Group -> IntMap Int) -> IntMap Group -> Int
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (Group -> Int) -> IntMap Group -> IntMap Int
forall a b. (a -> b) -> IntMap a -> IntMap b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap Group -> Int

-- | Determine the lowest value that satisfies the given
-- predicate and return the result.
search ::
  (Int -> Maybe a) {- ^ satisfication condition -} ->
  Int              {- ^ known too low bound     -} ->
  Maybe (Int, a)   {- ^ known satisfying int    -} ->
  a                {- satisfying result         -}
search :: forall a. (Int -> Maybe a) -> Int -> Maybe (Int, a) -> a
search Int -> Maybe a
f Int
tooLo (Just (Int
hi, a
best)) | Int
tooLo Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ Int
1 Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== Int
hi = a
search Int -> Maybe a
f Int
tooLo Maybe (Int, a)
mbHi =
  case Int -> Maybe a
f Int
i of
    Maybe a
Nothing   -> (Int -> Maybe a) -> Int -> Maybe (Int, a) -> a
forall a. (Int -> Maybe a) -> Int -> Maybe (Int, a) -> a
search Int -> Maybe a
f Int
i Maybe (Int, a)
    Just a
best -> (Int -> Maybe a) -> Int -> Maybe (Int, a) -> a
forall a. (Int -> Maybe a) -> Int -> Maybe (Int, a) -> a
search Int -> Maybe a
f Int
tooLo ((Int, a) -> Maybe (Int, a)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (Int
i, a
    i :: Int
i = case Maybe (Int, a)
mbHi of
          Maybe (Int, a)
Nothing     -> Int
tooLoInt -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
          Just (Int
_) -> (Int
tooLoInt -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
1 Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ Int
hi) Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Integral a => a -> a -> a
`quot` Int

-- | Test if a group is on the reindeer team.
isGood :: Group -> Bool
isGood :: Group -> Bool
isGood Group
g = Team
Tgood Team -> Team -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== Group -> Team
team Group

-- | Determine if a boost is enough to allow the reindeer to
-- win. If it is return the final group of reindeer.
attemptBoost :: IntMap Group -> Int -> Maybe (IntMap Group)
attemptBoost :: IntMap Group -> Int -> Maybe (IntMap Group)
attemptBoost IntMap Group
groups Int
  | (Group -> Bool) -> IntMap Group -> Bool
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => (a -> Bool) -> t a -> Bool
all Group -> Bool
isGood IntMap Group
outcome = IntMap Group -> Maybe (IntMap Group)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just IntMap Group
  | Bool
otherwise          = Maybe (IntMap Group)
forall a. Maybe a
    boostGood :: Group -> Group
boostGood Group
      | Group -> Bool
isGood Group
g  = Group
g { attack = attack g + boost }
      | Bool
otherwise = Group

    outcome :: IntMap Group
outcome = IntMap Group -> IntMap Group
simulate ((Group -> Group) -> IntMap Group -> IntMap Group
forall a b. (a -> b) -> IntMap a -> IntMap b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap Group -> Group
boostGood IntMap Group

-- battle logic --------------------------------------------------------

-- | Run a battle until it stops making progress due to immunities
-- or due to a team being wiped out.
simulate :: IntMap Group -> IntMap Group
simulate :: IntMap Group -> IntMap Group
simulate IntMap Group
  | IntMap Group
groups IntMap Group -> IntMap Group -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== IntMap Group
groups' = IntMap Group
  | Bool
otherwise         = IntMap Group -> IntMap Group
simulate IntMap Group
    groups' :: IntMap Group
groups' = IntMap Group -> IntMap Group
combat IntMap Group

-- | Determine the effectiveness multiplier of an attack element against
-- a particular group.
effectiveness ::
  Group {- ^ attacker          -} ->
  Group {- ^ defender          -} ->
  Int   {- ^ damage multiplier -}
effectiveness :: Group -> Group -> Int
effectiveness Group
atk Group
def =
  case Element -> [(Element, Effect)] -> Maybe Effect
forall a b. Eq a => a -> [(a, b)] -> Maybe b
lookup (Group -> Element
attackElement Group
atk) (Group -> [(Element, Effect)]
special Group
def) of
    Just Effect
Eimmune -> Int
    Maybe Effect
Nothing      -> Int
    Just Effect
Eweak   -> Int

-- | Compute effective power of a group
effectivePower :: Group -> Int
effectivePower :: Group -> Int
effectivePower Group
grp = Group -> Int
size Group
grp Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* Group -> Int
attack Group

-- | Order a list of groups by the order they get to chose their
-- targets.
targetSelectionOrder ::
  [Group] {- ^ unordered groups        -} ->
  [Group] {- ^ target preference order -}
targetSelectionOrder :: [Group] -> [Group]
targetSelectionOrder = (Group -> (Int, Int)) -> [Group] -> [Group]
forall b a. Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a]
sortOn Group -> (Int, Int)
    -- ascending sort lexicographic order:
    -- * effectiveness (negated for descending order)
    -- * initiative    (negated for descending order)
    prj :: Group -> (Int, Int)
prj Group
grp = (Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a
negate (Group -> Int
effectivePower Group
grp), Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a
negate (Group -> Int
initiative Group

-- | Given a list of groups generate a targetting assignment.
targetSelection ::
  [Group]    {- ^ unordered groups        -} ->
  IntMap Int {- ^ attacker / defender IDs -}
targetSelection :: [Group] -> IntMap Int
targetSelection [Group]
groups =
  (IntMap Int, [Group]) -> IntMap Int
forall a b. (a, b) -> a
fst (((IntMap Int, [Group]) -> Group -> (IntMap Int, [Group]))
-> (IntMap Int, [Group]) -> [Group] -> (IntMap Int, [Group])
forall b a. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
forall (t :: * -> *) b a.
Foldable t =>
(b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldl' (IntMap Int, [Group]) -> Group -> (IntMap Int, [Group])
chooseTarget (IntMap Int
forall a. IntMap a
IntMap.empty, [Group]
groups) ([Group] -> [Group]
targetSelectionOrder [Group]

-- | Given the current targetting assignment and a list of the groups
-- not yet targeted, update the assignment and list given the
-- preferences of the next attacker.
chooseTarget ::
  (IntMap Int, [Group]) {- ^ targets so far and remaining groups -} ->
  Group                 {- ^ attacker                            -} ->
  (IntMap Int, [Group])
chooseTarget :: (IntMap Int, [Group]) -> Group -> (IntMap Int, [Group])
chooseTarget (IntMap Int
targets, [Group]
groups) Group
atk =
  (IntMap Int, [Group])
-> Maybe (IntMap Int, [Group]) -> (IntMap Int, [Group])
forall a. a -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe (IntMap Int
targets, [Group]
groups) (Maybe (IntMap Int, [Group]) -> (IntMap Int, [Group]))
-> Maybe (IntMap Int, [Group]) -> (IntMap Int, [Group])
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ -- use previous values if no target
  do def <- Group -> [Group] -> Maybe Group
targetChoice Group
atk [Group]
     let targets' = Int -> Int -> IntMap Int -> IntMap Int
forall a. Int -> a -> IntMap a -> IntMap a
IntMap.insert (Group -> Int
initiative Group
atk) (Group -> Int
initiative Group
def) IntMap Int
         groups'  = Group -> [Group] -> [Group]
forall a. Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a]
delete Group
def [Group]
     targets' `seq` Just (targets', groups')

-- | Given a group and the list of remaining target choices, determine
-- the chosen group, if any.
targetChoice ::
  Group   {- ^ attacker          -} ->
  [Group] {- ^ elligible targets -} ->
  Maybe Group
targetChoice :: Group -> [Group] -> Maybe Group
targetChoice Group
atk [Group]
groups = (Group -> (Int, Int, Int)) -> [Group] -> Maybe Group
forall (t :: * -> *) b a.
(Foldable t, Ord b) =>
(a -> b) -> t a -> Maybe a
maximumOn Group -> (Int, Int, Int)
prj ((Group -> Bool) -> [Group] -> [Group]
forall a. (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filter (Group -> Group -> Bool
isValidTarget Group
atk) [Group]
    -- maximum lexicographic order:
    -- * effectiveness   (prefer targeting groups weak to this unit)
    -- * effective power (prefer targeting strong groups)
    -- * initiative      (prefer targeting high initiative groups)
    prj :: Group -> (Int, Int, Int)
prj Group
def = (Group -> Group -> Int
effectiveness Group
atk Group
def, Group -> Int
effectivePower Group
def, Group -> Int
initiative Group

-- | Check if one unit can attack another.
isValidTarget ::
  Group {- ^ attacker            -} ->
  Group {- ^ defender            -} ->
  Bool  {- ^ valid attack choice -}
isValidTarget :: Group -> Group -> Bool
isValidTarget Group
atk Group
def = Group -> Team
team Group
atk Team -> Team -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= Group -> Team
team Group
def      -- no friendly fire
                     Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& Group -> Group -> Int
effectiveness Group
atk Group
def Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> Int
0 -- skip if immune

-- | Given an unordered list of groups, compute the result of combat
combat :: IntMap Group -> IntMap Group
combat :: IntMap Group -> IntMap Group
combat IntMap Group
groups = (IntMap Group -> Int -> IntMap Group)
-> IntMap Group -> [Int] -> IntMap Group
forall b a. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
forall (t :: * -> *) b a.
Foldable t =>
(b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldl' (IntMap Int -> IntMap Group -> Int -> IntMap Group
combatTurn IntMap Int
targets) IntMap Group
groups [Int]
    targets :: IntMap Int
targets     = [Group] -> IntMap Int
targetSelection (IntMap Group -> [Group]
forall a. IntMap a -> [a]
IntMap.elems IntMap Group

    combatOrder :: [Int]
combatOrder = [Int] -> [Int]
forall a. [a] -> [a]
reverse (IntMap Group -> [Int]
forall a. IntMap a -> [Int]
IntMap.keys IntMap Group

-- Apply the combat effect for a specific group identified by its ID
combatTurn ::
  IntMap Int   {- ^ targets        -} ->
  IntMap Group {- ^ all groups     -} ->
  Int          {- ^ attacker ID    -} ->
  IntMap Group {- ^ updated groups -}
combatTurn :: IntMap Int -> IntMap Group -> Int -> IntMap Group
combatTurn IntMap Int
targets IntMap Group
groups Int
atkid =
  IntMap Group -> Maybe (IntMap Group) -> IntMap Group
forall a. a -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe IntMap Group
groups (Maybe (IntMap Group) -> IntMap Group)
-> Maybe (IntMap Group) -> IntMap Group
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ -- in case of no target or dead group, no change
  do defid <- Int -> IntMap Int -> Maybe Int
forall a. Int -> IntMap a -> Maybe a
IntMap.lookup Int
atkid IntMap Int
     atk   <- IntMap.lookup atkid groups
     def   <- IntMap.lookup defid groups
     let dmg    = Group -> Group -> Int
effectiveness Group
atk Group
def Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* Group -> Int
effectivePower Group
         killed = Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> a
min (Group -> Int
size Group
def) (Int
dmg Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Integral a => a -> a -> a
`quot` Group -> Int
hp Group
         size'  = Group -> Int
size Group
def Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Int
           | Int
size' Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> Int
0 = Int -> Group -> IntMap Group -> IntMap Group
forall a. Int -> a -> IntMap a -> IntMap a
IntMap.insert Int
defid Group
def { size = size' } IntMap Group
           | Bool
otherwise = Int -> IntMap Group -> IntMap Group
forall a. Int -> IntMap a -> IntMap a
IntMap.delete Int
defid IntMap Group
     Just groups'

-- foldable utility function -------------------------------------------

-- | Returns the element that maximizes the result of a key function
-- applied to the elements. See also: 'sortOn'
maximumOn :: (Foldable t, Ord b) => (a -> b) -> t a -> Maybe a
maximumOn :: forall (t :: * -> *) b a.
(Foldable t, Ord b) =>
(a -> b) -> t a -> Maybe a
maximumOn a -> b
prj t a
  | t a -> Bool
forall a. t a -> Bool
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t a -> Bool
null t a
xs   = Maybe a
forall a. Maybe a
  | Bool
otherwise = a -> Maybe a
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (a -> Maybe a) -> a -> Maybe a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$! (a -> a -> Ordering) -> t a -> a
forall (t :: * -> *) a.
Foldable t =>
(a -> a -> Ordering) -> t a -> a
maximumBy ((a -> b) -> a -> a -> Ordering
forall a b. Ord a => (b -> a) -> b -> b -> Ordering
comparing a -> b
prj) t a