big ?
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,6 +19,12 @@ letters = Map.fromList
," "
," "
," "]),
["██████ "
," ██"
," ▄███ "
," ▀▀ "
," ██ "]),
[" █████ "
,"██ ██"
@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ boxWalls :: World -> Box -> Array Coord Bool
boxWalls world box =
case boxType box of
Original walls -> walls
Link c -> boxWalls world (worldBoxes world Map.! c)
Infinity c -> boxWalls world (worldBoxes world Map.! c)
Link c -> boxWalls world (boxIx world c)
Infinity c -> boxWalls world (boxIx world c)
Epsilon _ walls -> walls
data BoxType
@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ data World = World {
winCondition :: World -> Bool
winCondition world =
Set.isSubsetOf (worldButtons world) coverage &&
Just (worldHome world) == boxLocation (worldBoxes world Map.! worldMe world)
Just (worldHome world) == boxLocation (boxIx world (worldMe world))
coverage = Set.fromList $ mapMaybe boxLocation $ Map.elems (worldBoxes world)
coverage = Set.fromList (mapMaybe boxLocation (Map.elems (worldBoxes world)))
boxSize :: World -> Box -> Int
@ -72,8 +72,7 @@ move world dir =
world { worldBoxes = Map.mergeWithKey (\_ a b -> Just (f a b)) id (const Map.empty) (worldBoxes world) changes}
myLocation :: World -> Maybe Location
myLocation world =
boxLocation (worldBoxes world Map.! worldMe world)
myLocation world = boxLocation (boxIx world (worldMe world))
isWall :: World -> Location -> Bool
isWall world (Location n y x) =
@ -140,7 +139,7 @@ moveBlock' world visited loc loc' dir name box enters offset =
moveEpsilon =
do epsilon <- findEpsilon world (locName loc')
let eBox = worldBoxes world Map.! epsilon
let eBox = boxIx world epsilon
(locI, offset') <- enterLoc world epsilon eBox dir offset
moveBlock' world visited loc locI dir name box (Set.insert locI enters) offset'
@ -177,6 +176,9 @@ boxAt :: World -> Location -> Maybe (Char, Box)
boxAt world loc =
listToMaybe [(n,b) | (n,b) <- Map.assocs (worldBoxes world), boxLocation b == Just loc]
boxIx :: World -> Char -> Box
boxIx world name = worldBoxes world Map.! name
invert :: Movement -> Movement
invert (dy,dx) = (-dy, -dx)
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
{-# Language ViewPatterns #-}
module Parser where
module Parser (parse) where
import Model
import Graphics.Vty.Attributes
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Array (Array, listArray)
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Graphics.Vty.Attributes
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP hiding (many)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Model
parse :: String -> World
parse str =
@ -17,10 +17,7 @@ parse str =
(((p,h,w),bs),_):_ ->
do let m = Map.fromListWith (++) [(k,[v]) | (_,_,kvs) <- bs, (k,v) <- kvs]
(Map.fromList [
(n, b { boxLocation = fmap head (Map.lookup n m)})
| (n,b,_) <- bs
(Map.fromList [(n, b { boxLocation = head <$> Map.lookup n m }) | (n,b,_) <- bs])
(Set.fromList (Map.findWithDefault [] '-' m))
(head (m Map.! '='))
@ -45,9 +42,9 @@ parseBoring :: ReadP Bool
parseBoring =
do t <- token
case t of
"boring" -> pure True
"boring" -> pure True
"interesting" -> pure False
_ -> empty
_ -> empty
parseBlock :: ReadP (Char, Box, [(Char, Location)])
parseBlock =
@ -68,13 +65,13 @@ parseBlock =
[target] <- token
color <- parseColor
_ <- char '\n'
pure (name, Box undefined (Link target) color True, [])
pure (name, Box Nothing (Link target) color True, [])
"infinity" ->
do [name] <- token
[target] <- token
color <- parseColor
_ <- char '\n'
pure (name, Box undefined (Infinity target) color True,[])
pure (name, Box Nothing (Infinity target) color True,[])
"epsilon" ->
do [name] <- token
[target] <- token
@ -83,7 +80,7 @@ parseBlock =
_ <- char '\n'
xs1 <- parseWalls
let locs = findLocs name xs1
let b = Box undefined (Epsilon target (walls xs1)) color False
let b = Box Nothing (Epsilon target (walls xs1)) color False
pure (name, b, locs)
_ -> empty
@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.List (intersperse, group)
import Graphics.Vty
import BigFont
import Model
border :: Int
@ -17,23 +19,20 @@ unit a h w c =
vertCat (replicate h (string a (replicate w c)))
drawBox :: Attr -> Int {- ^ width -} -> Int {- ^ height -} -> Image
drawBox a 2 1 = string a "[]"
drawBox a w 1 = string a ("[" ++ replicate (w-2) '-' ++ "]")
drawBox a w h = vertCat $
drawBox a 1 w = string a ("[" ++ replicate (w-2) '-' ++ "]")
drawBox a h w = vertCat $
string a ('┌' : replicate (w-2) '─' ++ "┐") :
replicate (h-2) (string a ('│' : replicate (w-2) ' ' ++ "│")) ++
[string a ('└' : replicate (w-2) '─' ++ "┘")]
button :: Attr -> Int -> Int -> Image
button a 1 2 = string a "[]"
button a 1 n = string a ("[" ++ replicate (n-2) '-' ++ "]")
button a 1 w = string a ("[" ++ replicate (w-2) '-' ++ "]")
button a h w = vertCat $
string a ('┌' : replicate (w-2) '─' ++ "┐") :
replicate (h-2) (string a ('│' : replicate (w-2) '░' ++ "│")) ++
[string a ('└' : replicate (w-2) '─' ++ "┘")]
home :: Attr -> Int -> Int -> Image
home a 1 2 = string a "<>"
home a 1 w = string a ("<" ++ replicate (w-2) '=' ++ ">")
home a h w = vertCat $
string a ('╔' : replicate (w-2) '═' ++ "╗") :
@ -41,53 +40,55 @@ home a h w = vertCat $
[string a ('╚' : replicate (w-2) '═' ++ "╝")]
renderCell :: World -> Map Location Char -> Char -> Box -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Image
renderCell world locMap name box y x h w =
if boxWalls world box ! (y,x) then unit (boxColor box) h w wallChar
else case Map.lookup (Location name' y x) locMap of
Just n ->
let box' = worldBoxes world Map.! n
in if h < boxSize world box'
then unit (boxColor box') h w n
else renderBox world locMap box' n
h w
| Set.member loc (worldButtons world) -> button (boxColor box) h w
| loc == worldHome world -> home (boxColor box) h w
| otherwise -> unit (boxColor box) h w floorChar
renderCell world locMap name box y x h w
| boxWalls world box ! (y,x) = unit (boxColor box) h w wallChar
| Just n <- Map.lookup (Location name' y x) locMap
, let box' = boxIx world n
= if h < boxSize world box'
then unit (boxColor box') h w n
else renderBox world locMap box' n h w
| Set.member loc (worldButtons world) = button (boxColor box) h w
| loc == worldHome world = home (boxColor box) h w
| otherwise = unit (boxColor box) h w floorChar
loc = Location name' y x
name' = contentName world name box
wallChar =
case boxType box of
Original{} -> '▓'
Link{} -> '▒'
Original {} -> '▓'
Link {} -> '▒'
Infinity {} -> '▓'
Epsilon {} -> '▓'
Epsilon {} -> '▓'
floorChar =
case boxType box of
Original{} -> '░'
Link{} -> '·'
Original {} -> '░'
Link {} -> '·'
Infinity {} -> '∞'
Epsilon {} -> 'ε'
Epsilon {} -> 'ε'
contentName :: World -> Char -> Box -> Char
contentName world name box =
case boxType box of
Original{} -> name
Link c -> c
Infinity c -> contentName world c (worldBoxes world Map.! c)
Epsilon{} -> name
Epsilon{} -> name
Link c -> c
Infinity c -> contentName world c (boxIx world c)
renderBox :: World -> Map Location Char -> Box -> Char -> Int -> Int -> Image
renderBox world locMap box name boxh boxw =
vertCat [
horizCat [
renderCell world locMap name box y x cellh cellw
| (x,cellw) <- zip [xlo .. xhi] (divisions boxWidth boxw)
| (y,cellh) <- zip [ylo .. yhi] (divisions boxHeight boxh)
| (x,cellw) <- zip [xlo .. xhi] xdivs ]
| (y,cellh) <- zip [ylo .. yhi] ydivs ]
ydivs = divisions boxHeight boxh
xdivs = divisions boxWidth boxw
((ylo,xlo),(yhi,xhi)) = bounds (boxWalls world box)
boxWidth = xhi - xlo + 1
boxHeight = yhi - ylo + 1
@ -105,15 +106,19 @@ render flat world = picForLayers $
string defAttr "╚███╔███╔╝██║██║ ╚████║██║ ╚████║███████╗██║ ██║" <->
string defAttr " ╚══╝╚══╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═══╝╚═╝ ╚═══╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝"
| winCondition world ] ++
[ pad 94 7 0 0 $
vertCat (map (string defAttr) (bigText "VOIDED"))
| isNothing (boxLocation (boxIx world (worldMe world))) ] ++
(if flat then renderFlat locMap world else []) ++
[drawNestedWorld locMap world]
locMap = Map.fromList [(loc, n) | (n, box) <- Map.toList (worldBoxes world), loc <- maybeToList (boxLocation box)]
locMap = Map.fromList [(loc, n) | (n, box) <- Map.toList (worldBoxes world)
, loc <- maybeToList (boxLocation box)]
renderFlat :: Map Location Char -> World -> [Image]
renderFlat locMap world =
[ pad offset 0 0 0 baseImage
, pad offset 0 0 0 $ drawBox borderAttr (imageWidth baseImage) (imageHeight baseImage)
, pad offset 0 0 0 $ drawBox borderAttr (imageHeight baseImage) (imageWidth baseImage)
borderAttr = defAttr `withForeColor` white `withBackColor` black
@ -140,28 +145,47 @@ drawNestedWorld locMap world =
case myLocation world of
| dx==0 && dy==0 -> renderBox world locMap (worldBoxes world Map.! worldMe world) (worldMe world) h w
| dx==0 && dy==0 -> renderBox world locMap (boxIx world (worldMe world)) (worldMe world) h w
| otherwise -> infinityImage
Just (Location name0 _ _) ->
case boxLocation (worldBoxes world Map.! name0) of
case boxLocation (boxIx world name0) of
| dx==0 && dy==0 -> renderBox world locMap (worldBoxes world Map.! name0) name0 h w
| dx==0 && dy==0 -> renderBox world locMap (boxIx world name0) name0 h w
| otherwise -> infinityImage
Just (Location name1 y1 x1) ->
case stackedLoc world locMap (Location name1 (y1+dy) (x1+dx)) of
Nothing -> infinityImage
Just (Location n y x) ->
let box = worldBoxes world Map.! n in
renderCell world locMap n box y x h w
renderCell world locMap n (boxIx world n) y x h w
| dx <- [-1 .. 1]
| dy <- [-1 .. 1]
infinityImage = unit (withForeColor defAttr black) h w '?'
infinityImage = makeInfinity h w
h = worldHeight world
w = worldWidth world
makeInfinity :: Int -> Int -> Image
makeInfinity h w = result
attr = defAttr `withForeColor` black
single = vertCat (map (string attr) (bigText "?"))
rowN = (w+1) `div` (imageWidth single + 1)
rowTotalGap = w - rowN * imageWidth single
rowGaps = divisions (rowN-1) rowTotalGap
row = foldr mkRow single rowGaps
mkRow gap rest = single <|> charFill attr ' ' gap 1 <|> rest
colN = (h+1) `div` (imageHeight single + 1)
colTotalGap = h - colN * imageHeight single
colGaps = divisions (colN-1) colTotalGap
result = foldr mkCol row colGaps
mkCol gap rest = row <-> charFill attr ' ' 1 gap <-> rest
stackedLoc :: World -> Map Location Char -> Location -> Maybe Location
stackedLoc world locMap = go Set.empty
@ -187,20 +211,20 @@ overflow (lo,hi) x
| x > hi = x - hi
| otherwise = 0
fixup :: World ->
Map Location Char ->
Int ->
Int ->
Int ->
Int ->
Location ->
fixup :: World ->
Map Location Char ->
Int ->
Int ->
Int ->
Int ->
Location ->
fixup world locMap dy dx py px loc =
case Map.lookup loc locMap of
Nothing -> loc
Just name -> Location name (fixup1 ylo yhi dy py) (fixup1 xlo xhi dx px)
((ylo,xlo),(yhi,xhi)) = bounds (boxWalls world (worldBoxes world Map.! name))
((ylo,xlo),(yhi,xhi)) = bounds (boxWalls world (boxIx world name))
fixup1 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
fixup1 _ _ 0 i = i
@ -208,7 +232,10 @@ fixup1 _ hi (-1) _ = hi
fixup1 lo _ 1 _ = lo
fixup1 _ _ _ _ = error "fixup1: bad delta"
divisions :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
divisions ::
Int {- ^ result length -} ->
Int {- ^ result sum -} ->
divisions divs size =
map length $ group
[ round (
@ -1,16 +1,14 @@
player p
player p height 80 width 160
block p magenta interesting
p ▓
1 2
▓ ▓
1 2
block c green interesting
▓ ▓
block 1 blue boring
block 2 blue boring
Reference in New Issue
Block a user