This commit is contained in:
@ -39,18 +39,45 @@ renderBox world locMap box boxName =
if boxWalls box ! (y,x) then char myAttr '▓'
if boxWalls box ! (y,x) then unit myAttr '▓'
else case Map.lookup (Location boxName y x) locMap of
Nothing -> char myAttr '░'
Just n -> char (boxColor (worldBoxes world Map.! n)) n
Nothing -> unit myAttr '░'
Just n -> unit (boxColor (worldBoxes world Map.! n)) n
| x <- [xlo .. xhi]
| let ((ylo,xlo),(yhi,xhi)) = bounds (boxWalls box)
, let myAttr = boxColor box
, y <- [ylo .. yhi]
, let unit a x = string a [x,x]
renderBox' :: World -> Map Location Char -> Box -> Char -> ((Int,Int),(Int,Int)) -> Int -> Image
renderBox' world locMap box boxName ((ylo,xlo),(yhi,xhi)) scale
| scale == 1 = renderBox world locMap box boxName
| otherwise =
if not (inRange (bounds (boxWalls box)) (y,x)) then unit defAttr '?' else
if boxWalls box ! (y,x) then unit myAttr '▓'
else case Map.lookup (Location boxName y x) locMap of
Nothing -> unit myAttr '░'
Just n -> renderBox' world locMap box' n (bounds (boxWalls box')) (scale `div` boxSize box)
box' = worldBoxes world Map.! n
| x <- [xlo .. xhi]
| let myAttr = boxColor box
, y <- [ylo .. yhi]
unit a x =
vertCat (replicate scale (string a (replicate (2*scale) x)))
makeWalls :: [String] -> Array Coord Bool
makeWalls rows = listArray ((ylo,xlo),(yhi,xhi)) (map (' '/=) (concat rows))
@ -61,6 +88,29 @@ makeWalls rows = listArray ((ylo,xlo),(yhi,xhi)) (map (' '/=) (concat rows))
mkRange n = (- (n-1)`div`2, n`div`2)
boxSize :: Box -> Int
boxSize box = yhi-ylo+1
((ylo,_),(yhi,_)) = bounds (boxWalls box)
drawNestedWorld :: World -> Image
drawNestedWorld world = renderBox' world locMap box0 name0 bnds 49
locMap = Map.fromList [(boxLocation loc, n) | (n, loc) <- Map.toList (worldBoxes world)]
(bnds,name0) = go 2 0 0 (worldMe world)
box0 = worldBoxes world Map.! name0
go 0 y x name = (((y-1,x-1),(y+1,x+1)), name)
go n y x name =
case Map.lookup name (worldBoxes world) of
Nothing -> (((y-1,x-1),(y+1,x+1)), name)
Just box -> go (n-1) y x name'
Location name' y x = boxLocation box
drawWorld :: World -> Image
drawWorld world =
horizCat $
@ -72,6 +122,8 @@ drawWorld world =
locMap = Map.fromList [(boxLocation loc, n) | (n, loc) <- Map.toList (worldBoxes world)]
solid n = makeWalls (replicate n (replicate n 'x'))
world0 :: World
world0 = World {
worldMe = 'b',
@ -80,49 +132,43 @@ world0 = World {
boxColor = withForeColor defAttr green,
boxLocation = Location '1' (-1) 0,
boxWalls = makeWalls [
"▓▓▓ ▓▓▓",
"▓ ▓",
"▓ ▓",
"▓ ▓",
"▓ ▓",
"▓ ▓ ▓",
"▓ ▓",
"▓ ▓",
"▓▓▓ ▓ ▓▓▓"
"▓▓ ▓▓",
"▓ ▓",
"▓ ▓",
"▓ ▓",
"▓ ▓ ▓",
"▓ ▓",
"▓ ▓ ▓"
('2', Box {
boxColor = withForeColor defAttr cyan,
boxLocation = Location '1' 1 1,
boxWalls = makeWalls [
"▓▓▓▓ ▓▓▓▓",
"▓ ▓",
"▓ ▓",
" ",
"▓ ▓",
"▓ ▓",
"▓▓▓▓ ▓▓▓▓"
"▓▓▓ ▓▓▓",
"▓ ▓",
"▓ ▓",
" ",
"▓ ▓",
"▓ ▓",
"▓▓▓ ▓▓▓"
('b', Box {
boxColor = withForeColor defAttr red,
boxLocation = Location '1' 0 1,
boxWalls = makeWalls [
"▓ ▓",
" ",
"▓ ▓"
boxWalls = solid 7
('x', Box {
boxColor = withForeColor defAttr yellow,
boxLocation = Location '1' 0 (-1),
boxWalls = makeWalls ["▓"]
boxWalls = solid 7
('y', Box {
boxColor = withForeColor defAttr magenta,
boxLocation = Location '1' 0 (-2),
boxWalls = makeWalls ["▓"]
boxWalls = solid 7
@ -162,7 +208,7 @@ main =
loop :: Vty -> NonEmpty World -> IO ()
loop vty (world :| history) =
do update vty (picForImage (drawWorld world))
do update vty (picForImage (drawNestedWorld world))
ev <- nextEvent vty
case ev of
EvKey key _modifier ->
@ -204,21 +250,24 @@ moveBlock world visited loc dir =
-- moving a box
(name,box):_ ->
do loc' <- nextLoc world loc dir
guard (not (isWall loc' world))
moveBlock' world visited loc loc' dir name box
moveBlock' world visited loc loc' dir name box =
msum [moveTo loc', moveInto loc', moveToEat loc']
moveTo loc' = moveBlock world (addVisited loc loc' visited) loc' dir
moveTo loc' =
do guard (not (isWall loc' world))
moveBlock world (addVisited loc loc' visited) loc' dir
moveInto loc' =
do (n,b) <- boxAt world loc'
do guard (not (isWall loc' world))
(n,b) <- boxAt world loc'
let locI = enterLoc n b dir
moveBlock world (addVisited loc locI visited) locI dir
moveToEat loc' =
do let dir' = invert dir
do guard (not (isWall loc' world))
let dir' = invert dir
let locE = enterLoc name box dir'
(name', box') <- boxAt world loc'
moveBlock' world (addVisited loc loc' visited) loc' locE dir' name' box'
Reference in New Issue
Block a user